Rain is a perfectly natural weather occurrence, no matter how annoyed we are with it. There’s no need to even mention how essential regular showers are for the plants, animals and majority ecosystems around the world.

A little drizzle is crucial for the normal course of things on this planet, but again… that doesn’t change the fact us, semi-spoiled city folk find it horribly inconvenient. In the best effort not to seem like spoiled brats, we try to keep the smile on our faces and tough it out with a little help from the following things:
Check the Forecast
Try to take up the habit of checking a weather app before you go to sleep. Or at very least, if you see that sky is getting murky, consult the internet about current atmospheric conditions before you leave the house. And yes, we are aware that when it comes to weather, no source is reliable and trustworthy enough to count on, but hey… A general idea about the temperature and circumstances of your surroundings is better than a complete unawareness of what’s waiting for you once you step outside.
Umbrella and/or Raincoat
Eeew, umbrellas! We feel you. Still, it’s in everyone’s best interest to have an umbrella on you at all times. It sounds bothersome (and it might be), but it’s always better to be safe than sorry, right? If there is even a slight possibility of a rainfall, it’s good to have an umbrella in your backpack or a bag. Usually, it is much easier to carry it around than a raincoat – plus, it can look super stylish! In case you have a snazzy outfit you don’t want to ruin with water, your best bet is to take both.

The Second Outfit for a Rainy Day
A change of clothes sounds like a good idea for any day, really (especially for us, the enthusiastic eaters and reckless coffee drinkes), but when the rainy period comes a-knockin’ it is almost necessary! Having a backup shirt and a pair of pants on standby is smart, even though the crucial thing to have on hand is the second pair of socks. There is no worse feeling in the world than having your feet wet the whole day… is there?
A Good Shoe Goes a Long Way
Since we are on the topic of feet, to boost your chances when it comes to keeping your feet dry during rainy days, invest in a good pair of waterproof shoes! The fact that they are resilient doesn’t have to mean they are ugly by default. You’ll be surprised how many quality choices of reliable and attractive footwear you have these days. Investigate your choices and say goodbye to those damp feet forever!

Taxi (at Your) Service
Public transport can be terrible on a regular day, but when it starts to drizzle, it is downright terrible! The traffic gets suddenly crazy slow and you cannot depend on your usually reliable route. People are grumpy on rainy days, puddles are everywhere, trains and buses are usually late, but there is a simple solution for that, too. Reach out to the trustworthy Springfield Yellow Cab near you, and you will get picked up and driven to your destination in a matter of minutes! You can rely on our dependable taxi service to get you where you need to be – safely, comfortably and most importantly = in a relaxing and dry environment.
Stay at Home (if Possible)
Let’s be honest, all of the above-mentioned tips will help you get through the rainy day but none of them will feel as amazing as staying in the warmth of your home! When it comes to surviving the gloomy rainy days, the best thing to do is stay inside. If your schedule lets you do so = snuggle up with a good book, watch a movie, have a few cups of your favorite tea and bask in the melancholy of a stormy day from the inside.