That’s it! You have finally decided to change your unhealthy ways! From now on you will treat your body like a temple that it is. We prepared a few tips to help you on your way to becoming the best version of yourself (HINT: Some of the tips include taxis but – we’ll cross that bridge when we get there)!

Live to Eat or Eat to Live
Let’s start with the basics! You are what you eat, that is just a fact of life. A double cheeseburger and fries taste amazing, but you will feel the consequences of that indulgent meal for days to come. And who says that healthy eating has to be boring? With a little spice and creativity, any meal can be yummy. YouTube is full of people who pride themselves on their simple but healthy recipes. Test them! Give meal prep a chance! You will be amazed as to how much fun chopping, dicing, cooking, and planning can be. Plus, you are saving lots of money, when preparing your own food instead of throwing it away on the unhealthy take-outs. Ha, great, isn’t it?
Water for the Win!
In a perfect world, we would drink water and water only, but alas – sodas are sometimes the preferred choice… Lots of us have borderline addiction to caffeine and soda-thrills grows stronger with each new can of sugary drinks and every cup of coffee/tea. Don’t get me wrong, consumed in moderation both of those beverages are okay, but remember, a big majority of your daily fluid intake should be the good old H20. Drinking a few ounces more may help with your constant headaches, digestion difficulties, dry skin, energy levels and weight loss. So, pick up your water battle, download a reminder app if necessary, and hydrate away!

Getting to the Gym
Exercising is a big part of any healthy lifestyle. The internet can be of big help in this case but you may be one of those people who do their best workouts outside of their homes. For some people, a paid gym membership is all the motivation they require to get moving, but for others the mere fact of dragging yourself to the gym is exhausting. Good people of Springfield Yellow Cab near you applaud your decision to get in shape and they are always available to take you to the gym when your motivation drops or it’s, say, raining but you still want to stay committed. And when you are finished with your training, call your favorite taxicab to take you home or anywhere in Silicon Valley while you sit back and “enjoy” your workout sores!
Moody Outfits
When you have the right sneakers and an outfit which you feel comfortable in, it is easier to start sweating. You are free to exercise in old shirts and worn-out training shoes, but when you put on an awesome sportswear, the incentive to get going is somehow much stronger. It’s not all about the outfit, though. We all have those days when a walk to the corner is equivalent to climbing the Everest; mood is a very unreliable thing indeed (I know, who would have guessed). The eagerness to exercise comes and goes but try bear in mind: if you are in a bad mood, breaking a sweat will cheer you up more often than not. Just don’t push yourself too hard.

The Soundtrack of Life
Now and again all of us enjoy the silence, but when trying to get fit, quiet is rarely your ally. Surely there are people who like an absolute stillness around them when doing their training, but usually, that is not the case. Counting the reps and running is so much harder when you don’t have some kind of beat to give rhythm to your actions. A good playlist is a training partner you can rely on to motivate you and spark your energy when you are about to give up!